I have been told severally that my opinions and arguments are too ideal to be real. The point is that I can’t help it because I don’t condone to things that do not simply make sense. This post is about the last argument I had with my friends about the role of a woman in the home.
- A woman is not a weaker sex: A woman is equal to a man in all ramifications. What makes someone a man or a woman is the sex cells which has no influence on the intellectual and the physical capabilities of human beings. Society has been responsible for the stigmatiszation of women. Women were not allowed to go to school and they were not allowed to work for money and were thought. That brought about generations of women who were not intelligent and innovative. Today women go to school and work and they excel. But till today, a male child is allowed to do some tough domestic jobs therefore being trained to be tough while a female child is always decorated and therefore being groomed to be beautiful. That is why most ladies think all they have to do is to be beautiful to attract the hardworking man. Women will have to rise up (Dakkada) and work hard as human beings and not view themselves as objects of beauty to adored. The question is, are they really adored?
- The issue of Head of the home: It is usually quoted from the Bible that St. Paul said a man should be the head of the home. Now, if he actually said ‘a man “should be” the head of a home’ was he influenced by the culture of his time? Or was he just comparing Jesus being the head of the Church to the ‘phenomenon that was common’ in his days to explain Christ’s dominance? Now those questions are philosophical questions that will need erudite people to contemplate on. Fact remains that even if He meant to say that a man should be the head of a home, some people still misunderstand the role of ‘headship’. Being the head means being the leader. Being the leader does not mean you’ll have to be the richest or the most intelligent person in the vicinity. Because some men see it as suicidal to marry a richer or more intelligent women. The idea of headship is not that of subduing others, but a call to be more responsible. Someone who take responsibility takes the blame, and works harder to make sure solutions are provided to problems. So being the head, like Christ, is a call to ‘die’ for your family and not to Lord over people like the Emperors do.
- Domestic duties: It is unbelievable and sickening that someone would marry a wife and tell the woman it’s her job to wash the clothes and cook. These were the feminine jobs when women were considered to be domestic workers and ’slaves’! A woman is also a human being with dreams of changing the world and having a better life just like the man. If your wife works hard as you do, do you still expect her to do these things? I see washing your own clothes or paying a Landry person to do it for you as having a sense of responsibility and not putting the blame on someone who did not wear those clothes to wash them as their duty. Like I mentioned before, in a bid for the society to pamper women, most are found helping their mothers in the kitchen in the African contemporary society. Even with that, how many female chefs have you seen? Its mostly men! That means, cooking is not just a woman thing at the professional level. This is a call to men to include learning how to cook in their activities as women are now learning how to make money which was previously exclusive for men.
- The woman should be blamed!: Some women appear to love the status quo, they seem to be very much complacent with the idea of a man bossing over them. I have spoke with a lot of women about their future, the results got me scared. Some women do not have dreams, most said, I want to get married to a rich man who’ll provide a house, a car and the funds I’ll need to take care of the kids. That sounds like suicide to me. I think women need to be aware of who they really are and their potentials. People accept less when they are unaware they can get more. A woman can be successful on their own though most are afraid they will scare off men, fact remains that will only scare men who would want to boss over you, men who would be so uncomfortable that you are successful.
We all need to have the right perceptions. Following the footsteps of your ancestors in a bid of keeping to traditions even when they are wrong or did not face the same challenges we are facing today does not make any sense.
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