Someone once told me that everybody go through the same amount of stress. When I first heard that, it didn’t quite make sense to me. Its evident that some people suffer more that others - a homeless
person definitely has more problems than me. Overtime, I have been uncovering some truths in that statement as it tend to connect with a lot of things about life.

I was directed to meet someone who’s domiciliary account was used for money transfer that I was supposed to get. He turned out to be a contractor who was handing the construction of a multi-storey building at the time. I actually met him at the construction site and after waiting for a while he said we should get to a bank so I’ll get my money. He had a nice car, but obviously his mood wasn’t a nice one as drove along the road. He had a huge problem that needed some millions to fix. Obviously the issue was that of having to oil some palms to have a ‘smooth construction experience’. He complained bitterly as if everything depended on completing the building which was supposed to give him some credibility considering the location as he earlier noted. When we halted for the traffic, a beggar approached his side and demonstrated with both hands for some handouts. The man screamed immediately, and in the middle of his scream, some words stroked me, ‘don’t you know I have bigger problems’ and he kept screaming as if the beggar was hearing him through the wound-up wind screens.

Its easy to let one problem blind us from appreciating all the good things that we are supposed to be proud of and thankful for, and for most of the times, it does. It’s not just easy, it’s the reality! Some problems hit us and it seems as if the world has come to an end. We forget about all the hurdles we overcame in the past, the happiest days, all the trophies on the cupboards and the hopes to attain our dreams someday. We simply forget that there are so many ways to go about something.

Even though I try hard to reason with myself that one particular problem or challenge should not be end of the world, that reality sticks especially when it stems from disappointments from other people or nature over the things we attached so much value. It may be true that everybody go through the same amount of stress. This line of thought has revealed so much to me. When I see people smile and look so happy, I silently tell myself that they certainly have some problems to cry over and as such I gain the courage to be happy no matter how hard the reality bites, sometimes the newfound happiness becomes the new reality. Sometimes I am like, ok we are all going through the same amount of stress why should I worry and make my own worst, why should I complain to somebody who’s certainly carrying the same amount of burden or why should I feel ashamed about myself when others have their own stale cakes.

What the psychologist told me may be true or perhaps that it was a way to help me overcome some problems at the time, but one thing stands out, I have noticed that everybody is stressed in one way or the other and that my case can never be the worst. At the end of the day, we are all caught in the web!

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