Creating a budget for your personal or business expenses is a great way of controlling your finances. If you have been in a situation where you had a great income only to get broke in a few days and end up wandering where all that money went, then you urgently need to budget and track your expenses .
I find it hard to love, Its always like trying to follow some impossible law, I once tried to taste those waters, But got sucked when I first sniffed gutters.
Someone once told me that everybody go through the same amount of stress. When I first heard that, it didn’t quite make sense to me. Its evident that some people suffer more that others - a homeless
I’d see it if you show it to me. I’d hear it if you tell it to me. I’d taste it if you feed me. My nerves will race and let me know when you touch me. My senses tell me a story, they reveal the truth, but sometimes I lie about those truths.
I have been told severally that my opinions and arguments are too ideal to be real. The point is that I can’t help it because I don’t condone to things that do not simply make sense. This post is about the last argument I had with my friends about the role of a woman in the home.