Creating a budget for your personal or business expenses is a great way of controlling your finances. If you have been in a situation where you had a great income only to get broke in a few days and end up wandering where all that money went, then you urgently need to budget and track your expenses .
one of the favourite quote from Robert Kiyosaki;s Rich Dad series is ‘Who took my money?’ - thats exactly the question we seem to be asking ourselves when we lose almost everything .
Having to draw a budget and record every expense is a huge task that actually impede most people from drawing budgets. In simple terms, budgeting is the practice of scheduling an amount of money for regular expenses. So the first step to budgeting is to track your expenses. To do that seamlessly, you can track download the “spending tracker’ application from Google play (check Apple store for iOS devices). The application will allow you to create several accounts, record your expenses and view financial cashflow reports in pie charts, bar charts on all your transactions over any defined period of time.
Now there you go! Have a good time managing your money.
For questions on how to effectively use the app for your business and other suggestions on how to manage your personal or business cashflow, comment on this post or contact me personally:
Mobile: +2348138818457
Email: ubongudotai@gmail.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/youbee_
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