Every motivational speaker advises you to get a plan,
They tell you to design your future and see it get a tan,
They make you feel like you can’t only direct your destiny but draft its design,
They’re right, only that in making it dramatic like they do, they miss the sign.

In reality nobody can see the future or know what other people think or will do,
Every successful person will say they wanted success but wouldn’t say they planned all the moves too,
We only imagine how we want events to unfold,
While we sit and watch our fire go cold.

One thing is true, one thing cuts across every success story,
People had a desire to be great next they took a leap of faith off a multi-storey,
They had to do what others would call inappropriate,
So they could be the ones who would later appropriate.

You have to be willing to fail to be successful,
That’s why successful failures like Abraham Lincoln become really successful ,
Imagine if a baby was too afraid of falling that he never tried walking,
Imagine carrying a teenage on your back everyday, while you two are talking.

Hustle is not a random dash of energy with wild hopes,
You’ve got to play the game with patience, use some long ropes,
But you calculate and play to win even though you don’t see what your opponent is thinking
You read his moves and respond with your best move, and win without blinking.

They say to be a success you gotta do a lot of thinking,
But Thinking will only make you a ’thin king’,
They also say “The first person you have to pay is you”,
But You cannot pay yourself to be richer than you,

To count your blessing you need to count the curses first,
Always stay hungry and don’t forget your thirst,
For as long as those two remain, you’ll stay true to the grind,
Learn to shut the voices out and listen to your mind,

School puts you on a seat and pays an instructor to talk to you,
You never get to know if anything you hear is true,
The streets give you tests and exams everyday,
And expect you to learn from your falls, and find your summer someday.

Take a step today, try something new, plans and analysis will only show the way but cannot make you act!

Edited by Martins Udotai.
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